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HMS: Our Hotel management software is online cloud base, highly secure, assessable from any part of the world, having all features required for running a simple hotel to most modern hotels of today. Its features are fully integrated with SMS alert/E- MAIL at every part of the operations. Our HMS has following features:
ACCOUNTS(coming soon)
PAYROLL (coming soon)

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CHANNEL Manager(comming soon)
In present system each hotel has to enter in agreement with different booking channels and to allot rooms to them for reservations. In this case if any booking channel has completed its quota then it shows fully booked in its site. But actually hotel is not booked fully and so loss of booking. Again if a hotel wants to run a promotion in off season or removal of promotion in season time it will have to communicate it to each channel. Any fully booked dates along with off line bookings will have to communicate each channel otherwise double booking will cause other problems. Here we comes as channel manager where we integrate these booking channels through our CRS where only one route is allowed to each hotel through which all channels get entry. No double booking , total floated inventory, transparent visibility of each channel efficiency along with separate package/rooms allotment to each channels/OTA are some key features which any hotelier cannot avoid which is hampering the revenue of the hotel.

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ETCHOTELSOFT integrates booking engine to each hotel website along with multiple currency & multiple card option payment gateway which enable guest to book rooms directly from hotel website & got instant confirmation after payment through payment gate way. Today guest search hotels from different sources i.e. booking channels, search engines but want to book rooms directly from selected hotel website to get best bargain rates. We are in process to offer room rates in different currencies which enable clients to make payment in their own currency without payment of conversion charges.